The Domes of Calrathia - Isaac Young
Imagine a feast set before you. A banquet of magnificent proportions with foods from all around the world. Some things are familiar and some are exotic, you are eager to try new things, to taste the favourites, and even if you don't like everything, you are still thrilled to dig in. This is The Domes of Calraitha by Isaac Young.
Sirius is our main character, though you’d barely remember his name as the whole story is written from a first person perspective. His upbringing as an astronomer is shrouded in mystery and revealed every now and again throughout the story. The story starts with him fighting off a wolf, and we learn that he has been exiled from his order, and sent on a mission to deliver a manuscript to Calraitha.
The story follows Sirius as he fights back against dying societies and morally bankrupt individuals on his way across a vast land. He is plagued by his past, and his exile, and his forward progress is hindered by fears, moral dilemmas, and the harsh environment.
Will he get his manuscript to Calraitha? And if he does, what will this mysterious city be like? How will they receive him? The city is mentioned all the time, and yet it is shrouded in mystery.
The joy of this story is the journey. Obviously we see huge obstacles in the way, both momentary chapter level, and huge unsurmountable ones looming in the future, but the writing flows so well and the imagery is so vivid, that one is caught up in the story and enjoys the journey, rather than just rushes towards the conclusion.
The vivid imagery is one I want to point out. Large towns and cities are vividly described without getting distracted, their former, present and future all delightfully described without going on a tangent. Describing the decay of civilisations and the moral decline of characters is also done well, not that this story upholds immoral behaviour, but its descriptions are creative and vivid.
“If you want to experience Sirius’ odyssey across the ice plains and his fight against dark forces both mortal and immortal, you can read the full The Domes of Calrathia on Royal Road, and a some of the second book also.

Review by Shieldmaiden