
The Superversive Movement stands to build where the subverters burned down and salted the earth. Following from the legendary article we have striven to uphold the true tradition of western literary art: Cathedrals, where others would make ruins. Our Superversive Youtube channel promotes and streams with authors to promote work and build bonds.
Support our work, if only to drive a nail into the spirit of those who hate the west, and Christendom, but more importantly, for the benefit of your own soul by the reading of good things.
the legendary article
Contact Ben Wheeler
Contact Ben Wheeler on Twitter
High Tower Magazine

High Tower Magazine Headed by Anthony Marchetta, and edited by Ben Wheeler, Ken Dickason, and David Hallquist, this Substack promotes high quality short stories and more bi-monthly.
Pinkerton's Ghosts
Helmed by Ben Wheeler and co written by Anthony Marchetta and Ken Dickason, this horror series seeks to bring the dragon to its proper plinth of fear, to also slay it.

Pinkerton's Ghosts; The Planetary Anthology Series; The Sunday Superversive Livestream

Author of Rachel Griffin series; Editor of Fantastic Schools series
Author of Awake in the NIght; The Count to a Trillion Series; Iron Chamber of Memory
There are many affiliated authors who are connected to or formerly a part of the movement, including Declan Finn, Austin Hawkings, Scott Huggins, Nick Cole, and many more.