L R Scott

I write about Fiction and Catholicism on substack at two different publications, do voice acting and narration, and generally act the fool otherwise. I primarily write Science Fiction but dabble in other genres as the mood strikes. You can find my work on Substack and Corncrake mag exclusively. So far, I have published three serials to date, with more planned: 

Sandbox Earth: A series of interviews with the people who had the most unique views of Humanity's first contact with alien races. 

DUEL: a sci-fi action/mystery/thriller set in the "Sandbox Earth" Universe, wherein a detective and his assistant droid are hired to investigate a high profile murder, and find themselves hunted by an assassin.

Letters From Armin: an epistolary serial also set in the "Sandbox Earth" universe, which details a young nobles life amid a sudden war, romance, and family strife.For all of my fiction, including those stories not set in the Sandbox Earth Universe, subscribe to Gibberish!

Gibberish | Scoot | Substack
A newsletter where Scoot pours words into the internet, hoping they get better over time. Subscribe for Science fiction and writing exercises! Click to read Gibberish, by Scoot, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.
Sandbox Earth
A science-fiction book in the style of a series of interviews, Sandbox Earth records the events of humanities first contact with not one but two alien races. Through these interviews, Mr. Broaddus speaks to the people who had the best view of the events that changed humanity forever!